01 February 2016

School-wide January STEM Challenge - Build the Biggest Snowman

Every month, the classrooms in my building participate in a school-wide STEM challenge.  For January, we focused on the book, "The Biggest Snowman Ever", by Steven Kroll.  This challenge would work at anytime during the winter season!

As I was cruising down the hallway on my way out, I saw the most amazing snowmen in front of one of our 2nd grade classrooms!  These kids did an awesome job with this challenge!

This STEM challenge is deceptively simple in appearance, but it will really challenge the kids to think!  All you need is a 6 foot long sheet of white bulletin board paper.  Students must make the tallest snowman possible from that single sheet of paper.  These kids figured out how to use the round shape in the best possible way in order to optimize the paper.

If you are interested in this STEM challenge, click here!

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