Hi there! I am a 4th and 5th grade teacher with 25 years of experience in urban public schools. I have taught in five different buildings and I have been lucky enough to work with many different student populations. I spent seven years in a self-contained gifted classroom and I am currently working at a STEM K-5 school. As the STEM Coordinator at my building, I have developed many different monthly school-wide challenges, STEM breaks and engineering challenges for my own building. Elementary teachers are often more comfortable with themes and literature, so many of my challenge packs are organized around themes and literature.
I am always looking for ways to connect with other teachers who are exploring and experimenting with STEM in their own classrooms. STEM can be so overwhelming and challenging at first, but the amazing ways the kids respond to STEM will make you want to keep trying things. My own students are so much better at collaboration, communication and risk taking thanks to STEM activities.
My newest collection is called
Stories and STEM! It is a great way to get kids reading and connecting their reading with STEM engineering challenges. Stay tuned to my TPT store for more of these packs as I add them!
I am also a wife and mom to three amazing kids, an 11th grader, a 9th grader and a 4th grader. They keep me pretty busy, too! Stay tuned for more posts! Comment or email me with any questions or comments!
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