
18 March 2017

Ecosystem Dioramas

Who doesn't love dioramas?  They were one of my favorite things to make as a kid and kids today STILL love them!

We were studying these six different land biomes:  Desert, Temperate Forest, Taiga, Grassland, Tundra, and Rain Forest.

Students were required to do research using books and the Internet.  They created an informational file about the ecosystem and then used the information to design the diorama.  They had to give me a list of materials they would need to make the ecosystem.  We used storage boxes I found at Staples for the dioramas.  Once they were created, students had to teach their classmates about the ecosystem and create a worksheet for classmates to complete.


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About The Blog Author!

Hi there!  I am a 4th and 5th grade teacher with 25 years of experience in urban public schools.  I have taught in five different buildings ...

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